
Chai Club
Join the Chai Club and Support Our Mission
The Chai Club is a special group of people who want to ensure Chabad's work can continue month to month.
Chai Means life. This group is the lifeblood of Chabad.
You make sure that students can be welcomed every week for shabbat and that classes can be taught.
Your monthly gift, whatever the size, makes sure Chabad is financially stable.You make a big difference every month to many people. In return, we will send you a welcome packet, regular updates, and of course, lots of nachas!
Thank you for your support!
Rabbi Didy and Devorah Waks & Family

Join by PayPal (if you prefer!)
"Chabad did so much while I was at Hamilton, I want to make sure other students get to have it too!"
– Meredyth Ohringer '17, Chai Club Member